Friday, February 16, 2007

Thank you Heather & March Guild Meetings

A big spinny THANK YOU to Heather, who was kind enough to demonstrate the Andean plying method. Three-thumbs Brooke actually got the hang of it!!

March 1: We will be doing a swap. Please bring one bobbin's worth of yarn you have spun. No limit to color, fiber, etc. Perhaps bring a bit of fiber - so your swap buddy can spin some too!

Jacki will be giving a demonstration on Navajo Plying. Bring a bobbin to ply with this technique. Check out http:/// for a peek at what we will be learning on March 1.

March 15: Bring something green to spin in celebration of St. Patrick's Day!! You pick the fiber and be ready to share with everyone what you have selected - silk, hemp, linen, cotton?? The possibilities!!

Finally, for another source for fiber, check out The Dizzy Ewe in Rancho Cucamonga - Ruth takes phone orders. She carries fibers from this place: - prices range from about $1.80 an oz (Colonial in solids) to $3 an oz for merino/silk blends.

1 comment:

Lara said...

It was fun meeting everyone! Thank you, Heather, for helping me out. I really appreciate it. I think I may not do the swap thing because I just can't give anyone the yarn I am spinning. It is still really terrible. My friend Holly will be there on the first. Can't wait!