Wednesday, August 29, 2007

September Meetings

It has been waaay too long since I posted and I am sorry. September's fiber is tensil. If you are having trouble finding it, check out KnitWits (paradise, Ca). They have our list of fibers and have rovings in stock.

Our September dates are the 6th & 20th. Bring a friend - or 2.


Walt said...

Hi, I live in chico and would be interested in attending a meeting but couldn't find any way to contact you on your blog. Also, I don't think I'd be able to transport my wheel, an ashford traditional, since I would most likely have to get to the meeting using public transportation, would there be any extra wheels there and if not, will it be acceptable if I spun along on a spindle?

and on the topic of the poll: what about some of us that have been spinning more than a year but less than two?

Anonymous said...

I tried to reply to "walt" via "reply" but - duh - it's a noreply thing on posts. Soooo - send me an email at and i can give you more info. We don't have extra wheels available, so drop spindle is fine. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.